Monday 5 August 2013

Lemon ice-cream

the result of my new buying ( cook - books ) is here: selfmade lemon ice made without ice-mashine and also possible with lime.
recipe for 6 portions a 50g:
2-3 lemons (one bio) - 70g sugar - 180g cream 
first rub off the peel of the bio lemon than squeeze 70ml lemon juice and cook the juice with the sugar 5 minutes after it boiled once on a low level  > than it needs to cool down. 
than beat the cream and mix it with the lemon peel. Mix all when die juice is cold and fill it in cups or ice molds or muffin container and freeze it for 3 hours. after the first hour 1 time stir everything and after another take spoons,chopstick or whatever you like into the ice cream and freeze it for the rest of the time. before eating put it under hot water to take it out of the cup and enjoy

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